Sunday, July 19, 2015

Every Drop Counts

We have been using the same water for over a week. Even though it gets very dirty while grouting, we leave it overnight to settle and in the morning the water on top is clean. This way we consume less water which is especially important here in California where they have been suffering from a serious drought for 4 years.

A nice visit from Amy

This transparent part of the darker grey gets a lighter color grout so we need to cut it out of the joints and re-grout it.

End of day 15!

Some of the sample colors they have been testing for above the mosaic...

They are adding a layer of drywall above and around the piece so the mosaic looks like an inlay. They have covered our mosaic to protect it from the plaster they will be using and later, sanding.

Our water cart or "happy cart" as it is known.

In this area you can see 6 of our 7 colors, the only one missing is green.
End of day 16!